
Religion is funny. Not comical, but in an interesting way. Growing up, I went to church all the time. Not because I wanted to, but because we had to. When I got to high school, I couldn’t bail. Instead of going to the high school Sunday school class, I chose to join the choir instead. I'd rather sing my heart out off pitch than go to a Sunday school class.


So yeah. Religion has never been at the forefront of my brain. But I'm not like one of those self-righteous bearded white men who are like "God doesn't exist. You just end up six feet under and that is it." That's not me. I believe religion or the new age term (for the millennials), spirituality, is important. Having a moral compass is important.


That is where I credit the church with giving me direction. My compass leads me to make the choices I want to make each day by helping others, being a good person, and enjoying life. That's the most important in my book. Do I need to attend church every week to feel this way? Absolutely not.


People think going to church means you are set to walk through the pearly gates. That is not the case. Bad people can go to church. Bad people can lead a church. When I see a megachurch pastor with a huge house or wealthier than most of their parishioners, that's an issue. Money in church is an issue. Church in politics is an issue. Specifically, Christianity. The fact that Trump had the support of the Christian right should concern everyone.


If you have a problem with that statement, read David French. He's done a great job explaining why the belief of Donald Trump saving/protecting Christianity in America is a bad idea. We are supposed to all care for one other, the poor, the weak, the feeble. When we lose sight of that in pursuit of power, America has lost its way. Just because someone acts like they are defending Christianity, does not make it so.


Now will I ever go back to church regularly? Probably not. Will I have my child baptized? Who knows? I feel like I should just to cover my bases, but is that religious at that point? Kind of like when I pray to God to help me open this stuck door or find my wallet. I believe he is helping me, but is he? At worst, it gives me more peace. That's what we need more of, peace. Why not throw some understanding and love for one another. You don't have to be religious to be a good person just as if you are religious does not make you a good person. Be happy, love each other, and celebrate each other's successes. As Troy Bolton would say, "We are all in this together."