
            President Donald J. Trump is a liar. This man lies constantly, and it ruins our society more than other people believe. The people in the media, Democrats, anyone who finds Trump is not fit to be president knows he has a penchant for lying. They all call him out on it, and it does not matter.

            It does not matter because we do not let it matter. More specifically, the American populace does not care. Anyone who is not tuned into politics with the smallest antenna does not realize his lying is truly impacting their decisions. This is a, to take a word from Mr. Trump, huge problem.

            His lies trickle down through society like those non-existent tax cuts. Since no one cares, he gets away with it. No other first world country suffers from COVID-19 like the United States of America. Seriously, look at any per capita graph. We have 5% the population of the world and 20% of the deaths. This is not supposed to happen. Unfortunately, President Trump lies and says we need to bring the economy back.

            People need to work, but when the situation is right. It definitely was not right when he started pushing for the economy to come back. His sycophants followed suit, and people believed the worst was behind us. It was not. The most frustrating part is if we would have crushed COVID-19 from the onset, set up a robust testing, and contact tracing system, our economy would be back in force. Hell, maybe more sporting events would have fans. Instead, we still hold sporting events with fans who are spreading COVID-19, and our economy is floundering. We simply keep fumbling the COVID-19 football.

            Now people are worried about voting by mail come November. There is absolutely no proof voting by mail is full of all kinds of fraud. Friends and acquaintances are concerned by this development. Why? Trump. He lies constantly about voting by mail is rife with fraud, and it oozes through the American psyche. The average person does not take time out of their day to understand the harm this and the rest of Trump’s lies inflict on our lives.

            Every politician lies. That is a fact. So does every other person in every other business field. Dunking on politicians for lying is like dunking on the media for being the media or dunking on Nickelback for being Nickelback. Trump is worse. He lies and lies and lies. He lives in another universe, and nothing showed worse than the first presidential debate. He did not go into the debate to win. He went into to turn off undecided voters. That was it. Guess what. He mucked it up. A terrible experience for everyone especially the viewers. He did all of this by lying and lying and lying. That is it.

            We’re taught as children to have a code of ethics. Trump was never taught this code. For that reason, Trump should not be rewarded a second term. He is a national disgrace.